20% project week 6

For week six I finished my frog because I worked on it on Saturday and a little bit of Sunday I’m very proud of my work, although it is very small I hope my friend hailey again and seala with their projects. I did some touchups and I gave it my frog an arm that is holding a flower. I named the frog Henry. I started working on my trifold this week as well. I didn’t have many struggles this week, except for having to rush to finish my trifold. I’m so excited for 20% project night and a little bit nervous for presenting in class. Thank you for listening for my progress is my goals my struggles and achievements and what I’ve learned overall.

Favorite 7th Grade Memories

I have three favorite memories from this school year. My first favorite memories is meeting new friends and having a strong connection with them. My second favorite memory is meeting all of my kind and fun teachers and just having the best experience talking and getting to know them more. And last but not least my most favorite memory is in my study center class with Mrs.Wagstaff. The memory is meeting Frenchie and Brianna from “TLC” aka Tilly’s Life Center. They made my Thursday the highlight of my week. We did so many projects and conversations with the class. They showed the whole study center class different perspectives of things and life challenges and how to handle them. I’m so thankful for TLC they helped me manage many things like stress and how to stay organized. My 7th grade year was so fun I can’t wait to have more memories in 8th grade.

For My Mom

My mom is the most loving, fun and strongest woman in my life. her love is like a guiding light shining bright through day and night with every step with every fall you’re there to catch me through it All.my moms heart is pure and filled with kindness. You give love that’s one of a kind you show me what it means to be strong and how to face life challenges and how to h stay strong in certain situations. For this Mother’s Day, I want to say thank you mom and for all the love and the laughter and for being by my side through it all. Happy Mother’s Day!✨❤️

Rad Reading-April

For the month of April I read the book “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry. The book is based in year 1943 the main character is Annemarie johansen. She has a little sister named Kirsti. The book is about Annemarie’s life in Copenhagen. They go through the constant presence of lots of food shortages, stores closing, school shutting down and Nazi soldiers. As the German soldiers relocate to all the Jews of Denmark, the JohanSen’s take care of Annemarie’s best friend, Ellen Rosen, and pretend she is apart of the JohanSen’s family. They live like a normal “family” until they realize more needs to happen in order to save Ellens family and Jewish friends of Denmark. The johansens had a plan and it was to help their Jewish friends escape from the nazis by risking their lives. In this book there is a lot of adventure and bravery. I give this book a 9.4 out of 10 because I liked books that are based on historical things and this is the best historical book I’ve read so far and at first I had low expectations for this book but the more I read the more sucked in I got into this book.

20% Project Week 4

This week for my project I left everything at home. This is so bad because I couldn’t improve more on my crotchetiness so that means I’m behind on my goals. I’ll catch up at home. So instead I decided to help friend with her project. We went out side to pass the volley ball and try diving for it. She showed me how to dive for the ball and not get hurt. We got a little bit distracted by the people in p.e but we went back on track.